Netherlands Platform Complex Systems

Privacy statement

Netherlands Platform Complex Systems (NPCS), email address:

The administration of the NPCS is hosted by the University of Utrecht and the privacy statement of the University of Utrecht is therefore leading. This overall privacy statement can be found here:

The NPCS adheres to that statement.

Specifically, the NPCS administrates address details of its members. Members provide these details when applying for membership of the platform and by doing so give permission to use the details to give them information. The data collected are: title, gender, name, affiliation, work address details, phone number, email address (optional: web site address). The details are used to notify members of meetings organised by the NPCS and funding opportunities at the NPCS.

The personal data are only used for the above purpose and are not shared with other parties. Only the NPCS administrator has access to the data.

Members can terminate their membership at any time by sending an email with this request to the administrator at, and ask to have their details removed from the list.